
Leehom 王力宏 - 18 Martial arts 十八般武藝 Album Download


Finding for Leehom 王力宏 - 18 Martial arts 十八般武藝 album?
Then You are at the right place! Download the leaked album By pressing the link Below (Mediafire Server).


    01. Dragon Dance 02. 杜 U ♥ Me 03. 十八般武藝 04. 你不知道的事 05. 伯牙絕弦 06. 柴米油鹽醬醋茶 07. 美 08. 需要人陪 09. 天涯海角 10. 你不知道的事 (宋曉青版本) 11. 自己人
Artist Name :  Leehom 王力宏
Album : 18 Martial arts 十八般武藝
Audio Quality : CD Quality 320kbps
Release Date : Aug  2010
Server : Mediafire(fast)
Format : mp3
Folder: Zip File.
Size : 99mb

Click Here for Download.

Disclaimer & Notice: Very worth for you buying a original copy as showing supports for the artist, If you're in love with his music remember! Always support original. I don't take responsibility for pirating from your downloads.

Dont Just Close. !Give me a thanks.


Jay Chou 周杰伦 - The Era 跨时代 (Leaked version) album download


Finding for Jay Chou 周杰伦 - The Era 跨时代 album?
Then You are at the right place! Download the leaked album By pressing the link Below (Mediafire Server).


  1. 跨時代 (Kua Shi Dai) [The Era]
  2. 說了再見 (Shuo Le Zai Jian) [Said Goodbye]
  3. 煙花易冷 (Yan Hua Yi Leng) [Fireworks Cool Easily]
  4. 免費教學錄影帶 (Mian Fei Jiao Xue Lu Ying Dai) [Free Instructional Video]
  5. 好久不見 (Hao Jiu Bu Jian) [Long Time No See]
  6. 雨下一整晚 (Yu Xia Yi Zheng Wan) [It Rains All Night]
  7. 嘻哈空姐 (Xi Ha Kong Jie) [Hip-Hop Air Hostess]
  8. 我落淚,情緒零碎 (Wo Luo Lei, Qing Xu Ling Sui) [I Cry, My Emotions Are in Pieces]
  9. 愛的等飛行日記 (Ai De Deng Fei Xing Ri Ji) [Love Waits For Flying Diary]
  10. 自導自演 (Zi Dao Zi Yan) [Self Directed and Acted]
  11. 超人不會飛 (Chao Ren Bu Hui Fei) [Superman Can't Fly]
  • This album was originally planned to be released on May 14th but was delayed to May 18th.
  • On May 15th, 9 songs of the album was leaked onto the internet for direct download.
  • 嘻哈空姐 is still pending and does not leaked 

Artist Name : Jay Chou 周杰伦

Album : The era 跨時代
Audio Quality : CD Quality
Release Date : May 2010
Server : Mediafire
Format : mp3
Folder: Zip File.
Size : 88mb

Click Here for Download.

Disclaimer & Notice: Very worth for you buying a original copy as showing supports for the newcomer, If you're in love with his music remember! Always support original. I don't take responsibility for pirating from your downloads.

Dont Just Close. !Give me a thanks here.



Another Creative Way To Sell Viagra in Malaysia


In Malaysia.. selling Viagra might be illegal but there's still tons of demands in the market. So? whats the final solution? To provide this kind of "special medication" to those who needed them badly requires extreme cautions because those "special medication" sold might be risky to your health.

Yet still tons of them prefered to be serve with kopi  (Luckily.. I doesnt need them)

Is selling Viagra really so profitable? Even restaurant owners sell them as a drink to serve you.

Yes! you what you think are right!...They are "SERVED IN THE DRINKS"

The Ultimate Ubat Power ... When you eat liao.. Your little Brother will never say he is tired!

Wow.. only RM10 .. Yes.. RM10 Your little brother will thank you for making him stand up!


Conversation me with the waiter:

Ah pek!..you mia ini drinks apa kata dia kopi jantan?

oh.. itu drink special la.? u nak try ke? .. kuat mia lo!.

oh.. itu... i masih boleh naik la.. tak perlu ke..? .. ini kuat ke?

Ya!.. itu uncle uncle mai favourite la!.. cuba sekali pasti nak lagi!


Enjoy!.. Dun forget to drop by comments if you like the post!!


A visit to Fort Cornwallis Lighthouse


Now, I've updated my blog regrading a tourism attraction of Penang Island..

Its called Fort Cornwallis Lighthouse

It's one of the oldest lighthouses in Malaysia. It was erected in 1882 (wow..it makes me unbelievable that the steel tower constructed those years seems fine to work till today for centuries.). While during the British administration, it was known as the Fort Point Lighthouse. The lighthouse underwent renovations in 1914 and 1928. As part of the renovation, the name was also changed to Penang Harbour Lighthouse.
Being apart yourself there just makes you feel like you're living in 19th century. kinda weird feelings been there...

its also a "very heritage" place to visit.

Below are some pictures that shown as the place i visited. i will explain with you about my came and cross on those photos..

Panorama view

A Penang Port view from the lighthouse tower. Star cruise is visible from here

Ground View.. from the road side

Ground View.. from trees below

The staircase to the top of the tower. Afraid of height is one of the reason few people doesn't come up here 

This is the most horrify staircase to be climbed.. some of the seniors took 5 mins just to get them-self up.

North view, sorry i don't have wide angle lens.. can't capture them all in one pics.

The mini tower view.

The mini tower view. Komtar tower is visible from here

The heart of the light house

People coming up here..

The sea view

Fort Cornwallis is located below this tower 

Enjoy... visit penang next time if you have free time for vacation!.. ...  :P 
Please comment after viewing it.. thanks...
Wenjay '2010


Behind the Scene of My Home Shooting


All photos are taken without studio lighting and only with internal flash, plain paper as reflector and black cloths as background.

Next Post: I might post more tutorial to guide on how to create a studio like image with low budget and even with a non SLR camera. (depends on comments)

Sample Image:

The behind the scene :

Thanks enjoy..